MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II



MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II Peptide for Sale. Buy Peptides from the official Balco Shop. 100% original peptides and stereoids. 100% safe delivery.

Product Details

MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II Peptide for Sale. Buy Peptides from the official Balco Shop. 100% original peptides and stereoids. 100% safe delivery.

MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II 10mg

MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II is an analog of the peptide hormone alpha-melanocyte stimulat ing hormone (a-MSH). The MSHs contribute to pigmentation and also play a role as a hypothalamic satiety signal. Melanocortins also have been demonstrated to play a role in lipolysis of adipocytes, thermal control, sexual function, and cognition. Further, leptin exerts its action partly by activation of the melanocortin system in the brain.

Further, the MCR (melanocortin receptors), to which MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II binds, play a key role in eating behavior in humans. MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, white lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous or intra muscular injection, after reconstitution with sterile Water for Injection.

Facts about MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a strong orexigenic neurotransmitter also known to modulate several neuroendocrine axes. a-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) is an essential anorectic neuropeptide, acting on hypothalamic MC3/4 receptor subtypes. When given as an intracerebroventricular bolus injection, MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II, a nonselective MC receptor agonist, inhibits feeding, suppresses the NPY orexigenic action, and reduces basal insulinaemia.

MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II infusion generated a severe but transient reduction in feeding, suggesting an escape phenomenon, and clearly reduced fat pad size. Melanotan II is also a cosmetic peptide that stimulates a natural increase in melanin production.

MT-2 Balco-Labs Informations

MT-2 Balco-Labs is the main determinant of skin color in humans. It is a brown pigment, which causes skin to become darker in appearance instead of red when exposed to UV rays.

Typically when your skin is exposed to UV rays (the sun or tanning beds) your skin will release melanin as a natural defense to protect your skin from absorbing an excess amount of solar radiation.

This natural defense to UV light is what leads to tanning or a darkening of your skin.

MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II will give you a tan while saving your body from the damage which would be caused by the sun. MT-2 Balco-Labs is also a potent initiator of erections in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction and has manageable side effects at a dose of 0.025 mg/kg.

Dosage and Administration of MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II

Typical MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II dosage range is 0.5 to 2.0 mg/day, with a preferred range of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/day.

However, it’s best to first assess tolerance with lower dosing of 0.25mg – 0.50mg at a time. The first MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II  dosage should be as little as 0.25mg in order to gauge the reaction of the user’s body.

This dosage should be taken before going to sleep for to let the peptides work overnight. Any problems that may arise will do so overnight, thus upon waking the user will know how their body will react. Ideally, the user should not feel anything. If no adverse effects have shown up, it’ s fairly safe to assume that no problems will occur.

After this initial span, loading dosages can be done once per day, consisting of an injection of 0.5 to 1mg.

Dosage for the best results

Those who have used MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II  doses in this range report getting good results and darkening skin pigmentation. Missing days will not make a lot of difference which will make it easier for people who travel or tend to forget things to keep dosing. Maintenance doses are taken once the desired pigmentation has been reached and requires much less frequent dosage than once a day.

Normally maintenance MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II  dose is 2x or 3x your loading dose and is done once a week.

Melanotan II Example: if someone was injecting 0.5mg every day and had a sunbed session every other day after 8 days he was happy with his achieved skin tone, then he stopped taking MT-2 Balco-Labs daily and maintained his tan by injecting 1mg once a week day before sunbed session.

In order to decide the dose you must inject you must consider the following chart. Find your skin type and follow the rule: the whiter the skin, the bigger the dose.

Melanotan II Note: Although listed options for the intake, each case must be examined individually and to consider personal and training characteristics of each person as well as possible interactions if you take other medicines.

Fitzpatrick skin type Description Dose (total)
I Extremely fair skin, always burns, never tans 40 to 60mg
II Fair skin, always burns, sometimes tans 20 to 40mg
III Medium skin, sometimes burns, always tans 20mg
IV Olive skin, rarely burns, always tans 20mg
V Moderately pigmented brown skin, never burns, always tans 20mg
VI Markedly pigmented black skin, never burns, always tans 20mg

Effects from MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II

Although side effects do become less troublesome with each administration of MT-2 Balco-Labs, most users will experience at least some of the side effect to varying degrees, most commonly nausea, appetite suppression, facial flushing and dull headaches. These will typically become apparent within a few minutes of administration but can last for many hours.

In the case of MT-2 Balco-Labs, increases in libido are of ten seen in conjunction with outwardly physical signs of sexual arousal whereby the male user experiences prolonged periods of increased blood flow to the penis.

Negative Side effect

This particular side effect does not diminish in severity over time and instances of occurrence are to be expected throughout the period of MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II use. As I’m sure you can appreciate, this aspect may prove embarrassing and perhaps quite uncomfortable, and so I must stress again the importance of building dosage up gradually to assess personal tolerance and susceptibility.

The adverse reactions that you may face contain:

Skin pigmentation, Nausea, Appetite Suppression, Headache, Lethargy, Itching, Dizziness, Facial flushing, New mole appearance or darkening, Hyperpigmentation. White patches, Increased Libido, Physical sexual arousal.

Storage Melanotan II

  • MT-2 Balco-Labs Melanotan II can be used not more than 3 years from the production date ( see box)
  • After reconstitution, may be stored for a maximum of 30 days in a refrigerator at 2°C – 8°C.
  • Store vials in an upright position.
  • Store in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C). Keep in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
  • For one month can be stored at room temperature.
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